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We ordered this for my son. It arrived very quickly and and he is thrilled. He is absolutely convinced that he moves faster when he has it on!. The costume itself seems well made and fits him very well.

Very very well made for a costume. Grandson posed and looked like the real deal as he made his poses he's 7. Hope others enjoy it.

This costume is fantastic and my 6 year old loves it! Many parents commented on how it looked and it held up very well.

If it's cold and you're going to have your child wear clothes under the costume make sure that if you're on the line between sizes go up because it is a bit form-fitting. My grandson loved it everybody loved his costume it was great!

Kids always like pretend play and these costumes made playing even more fun. We even had superhero day while we were family camping. It was fun for me to watch them trying to do "heroic" helping to other family members.
I ordered this for a present for my nephew since he's super into superheros. I love the quality, style and the headpiece.
It looks great. My son is 4 but is on the taller side and this costume fits him.
Fits as expected. My son loves it very much and he will wear it every cosplay party.
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